Dr Morrice brings a significant amount of Cardiology & Electrophysiology expertise and experience to AMS. He currently works as a Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist at the Bons Secours Hospital in Cork. Prior to this he was appointed as an Electrophysiology Fellow at the renowned OLV Hospital, Aalst, Belgium. Dr Morrice attained his MB BCh BAO at Queens University Belfast, RCPE Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh and MD at Queens University Belfast.
Prior to his appointment at the OLV Hospital Aalst, Belgium Dr Morrice worked for many years in the specialty of cardiology in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast City Hospital and Mater Hospital Dublin. Dr Morrice’s MD research project looked into cardiac biomarkers in myocardial infarction and in percutaneous coronary intervention. Dr Morrice has published widely including the areas of pacing and STEMI and he has a keen interest in audit, research and education. Dr Morrice is also attached to UCC in the capacity of Senior Clinical lecturer.
Dr Morrice treats patients displaying symptoms of various cardiac arrhythmias; atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia etc. In addition, Dr Morrice also undertakes cardiac interventions such as ablation, insertion of pacemakers and insertion of ICDs in the specially commissioned catheterisation laboratory at the Bons Secours Hospital in Cork.