Influenza or as it’s commonly known as “the Flu”, is a highly contagious virus that can affect the entire body. It is a major cause of illness and absenteeism in Ireland each year. It’s easily spreadable and is contagious even before symptoms appear. Influenza thrives in workplace environments infecting around 1 in 4 people each winter. Vaccinating employees against flu will help to stop the spread of flu at work (thus keeping people productive through winter).
Advanced Medical Services (AMS) provides the seasonal flu vaccination to companies nationwide. Our vaccination service is carried out onsite and is Doctor led. The steps in booking the flu vaccination are:
- Each employee will be able to make a booking using our online booking engine. This will allow each employee to book an available slot or time that suits them best.
- The participant will then receive an email confirmation of their appointment which will include information about the vaccine. The participant will also receive a text message reminder the day before their flu vaccine appointment.
- Each employee is met by a member of our team who will explain exactly what is involved before administrating the Flu Vaccine. The Vaccine will be administered by our Doctor or Nurse and will only take a few minutes per person.
Benefits of Seasonal Flu Vaccination: Being vaccinated is the most effective way to help the body strengthen its immunity against infection and prevent contracting the flu virus and passing it on to others. The vaccination service reduces absenteeism and promotes a healthy workforce.
AMS’s Clinical Services Manager and Advanced Nurse Practitioner recommends the flu vaccine ‘because it is the best way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your coworkers from the serious symptoms and consequences of Influenza. This year AMS is offering the quadrivalent flu vaccine which provides better and broader coverage for the strains of flu virus that circulate each year. This type of flu vaccine gives you the best chance at coverage for whichever flu virus might hit this flu season’.
Arranging Flu Vaccination for your Employees: A lead time of 4-6 weeks can be required for booking so early booking is essential.
Contact our team on 1890 300 333 or for more information on our seasonal flu vaccination or about our other onsite health screening services.